For thermal imagers, generators, ecoflow for military unit A4123

Date of application receipt: 2024-02-12

12.53 %
Collected: $ 1388.51  
Target: $ 11081.08

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces has changed in Ukraine... For a day now, everyone has been discussing whether this is good or bad. In fact, this is a new manager who will try to solve the accumulated military problems. The main one is the constant needs of the Ukrainian army.

We are volunteers. Our work, our vocation at this time is to help our soldiers fighting the occupiers in every possible way. And we, dear friends, hope that you will stay with us and continue to help us close requests from the military.

Now we need to purchase the following items for the soldiers of the A4123 military unit:

10 thermal imagers

2 diesel generators

2 Starlink

3 EcoFlows

Whoever is at the head of the Armed Forces: Zaluzhny or Syrsky, our friends, relatives and acquaintances remain in the trenches. We all have to work for them! Glory to Ukraine!


💳IBAN SK8111000000002936108536 Sergii Savchenko

💳Mono Bank: 4441114415967213 Sergii Savchenko (

💳Privat Bank: 5457082504633780 Tetiana Savchenko (

💳Binance ID: 442200923

Пов‘язані новини:

History of donations

Donator Sum ($) Date of donation Transfers
Логінов27.032024-02-15 07:36:51
189.192024-02-15 07:36:51
Кізілов2.72024-02-15 07:36:51
Крук27.032024-02-15 07:36:51
Косенко8.112024-02-18 08:14:13
гуревич13.512024-02-18 08:14:13
Сидоренко24.322024-02-21 07:18:05
Герасимова2.72024-02-21 07:18:05
Gernot Abel1002024-02-22 08:19:20
Михайло135.142024-02-24 20:19:18
Малашина54.052024-02-28 16:10:00
Сухопліска4.052024-02-28 16:10:00
Юдза67.572024-02-28 16:10:00
Дячок13.512024-02-28 16:10:00
Клименко54.052024-02-28 16:10:00
Олег13.512024-02-28 16:10:00
Кияновський81.082024-02-28 16:10:00
8.112024-02-28 16:10:00
Кліщ54.052024-02-28 16:10:00
Марина9.462024-02-28 16:10:00
Сорокіна5.412024-02-28 16:10:00
5.412024-02-28 16:10:00
Поліщук2.72024-02-28 16:10:00
Рудик0.542024-02-28 16:10:00
2.72024-02-28 16:10:00
Цимбалюк5.412024-02-28 16:10:00
Ахтамова2.72024-02-28 16:10:00
Красноруцька13.512024-02-28 16:10:00
Волков13.512024-03-04 07:30:19
Іван152024-03-04 07:30:19
Василь27.032024-03-04 07:30:19
Гордіюк27.032024-03-04 07:30:19
Логінов8.112024-03-04 07:30:19
Міронов189.192024-03-04 07:30:19
Савченко27.032024-03-04 07:30:19
Волков18.922024-03-04 07:30:19
Вулах135.142024-03-04 07:30:19